Our Broker Advantage

What are you providing your employees beyond a

paycheck and benefits package?

Your employees are the most valuable part of what you do. They are the life force of your organization and without them, you would be incapable of accomplishing your future goals and projected growth.

According to sba.gov, you spend 25%-40% of your employees salary to recruit and train them. Employee satisfaction for retention purposes should be a HUGE focus of your HR team. Retention and satisfaction are not easily attained but our employee wellness programs will certainly bring more value to your employees without a cost to you!

When we broker your benefits, your community benefits too!

We donate commissions to our Donor Advised Fund managed by the Community Foundation of Boulder County every month.

We find ways for your company to make a difference locally by pairing you with nonprofits for volunteering opportunities consistently.

We advocate locally and in the state for better access to healthcare for your employees to create a more equitable system.

The largest workforce generation, Millennials, demand more CSR from their employers!


"64% of Millennials won’t take a job if their employer doesn’t have a strong CSR policy."

- Cone Communications Millennial Employee Study


"Employees who believe their company is socially responsible are 1.3 times more likely to stay than employees who don't feel that way."

- Boston Consulting Group


"Turnover dropped by 57 percent in the employee groups most deeply connected to their companies’ giving and volunteering efforts. Employees are more willing to join and stay at companies with an active CSR program."

- Benevity Engagement Study

Our Wellness Programs

Pre-Negotiated Holistic Health Professionals

  • MMA Trainer Fitness Programs

  • Anxiety Into Confidence Coach

  • Group Focus and Stress Relief

On Demand Personal Finance Consultations

  • Trusted Financial Planners

  • Cash Flow and Budgeting Professionals

  • Licensed Insurance Consultations

Retirement Transitioning Assistance

  • Social Security and Medicare Consultations

  • Annuity Professional Consultations

Choosing To Work With Us Goes Beyond Great Benefits!

1. Choosing us as your benefits broker is the socially responsible thing to do!

2. Increased employee

satisfaction will lead to

higher rates of retention!

3. Stronger communities are achieved when businesses make decisions that increase their CSR!

Get In Touch




Mon – Fri –10:00am – 5:30pm

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