Custom Employee Benefit Packages

Our Pillars For Success

Prioritize Your

Changing Needs

Your needs change. We make sure that your benefits will change with you. We aim to earn your business year after year. Changing with you is the only way to make that possible.

Full Coverage and Fee


We're brokers. Our services for you are completely free. We have access to 100's of insurance companies and make our money directly from them by pairing your needs to their products!

HRIS and Payroll Technology Partners

None of your employees are the same. Providing them with the systems and abilities to design their coverage based on their needs is essential to employee satisfaction! Our partners achieve this for you.

We only broker plans that provide you with

financial security and coverage access!

Self Funded - Crumdale Partners & Franklin Health

Self-funded plans are generally more flexible than traditional insurance plans, but they can also be more risky for employers if healthcare costs exceed what was budgeted. That's why we partnered with a company who specializes in risk mitigation through a 300,000 member consortium model. On average their clients have only seen a 4-6% annual renewal increase. In the years where claims were less than premiums paid, clients received 100% of excess. This is a true unbundled solution, with limited distribution, that “feels like” the carrier arrangement you are in today.

Fully Insured - Offering Top Carriers Local To You

A fully insured healthcare plan is a type of health plan in which the employer pays a premium to an insurance company. The insurance company is responsible for paying healthcare costs as they arise, and the employer has no financial risk beyond the premium payments. Fully insured plans are subject to state and federal regulations and are generally less flexible than self-funded plans. These plans have recently seen renewal rates above 10% and due to overall health declines in Americans, these plans are most likely only going to increase in costs for you.

ICHRA, FSA, HSA, and LSA - CafeHealth

An ICHRA (Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement) plan is a type of health benefit that allows employers to reimburse employees for their individual health insurance premiums and/or qualified medical expenses. ICHRAs are flexible and customizable, allowing employers to design a benefit plan that meets the needs of their employees and their budget. They can also set different contribution amounts for different employee classes, such as full-time versus part-time employees or employees in different locations. These plans have tax-advantages for employees and employers!

Small Call to Action Headline

Our steps to creating a custom benefits package for you!

Step 1

Understand your current benefit packages, needs, and goals you have for your employees..

Step 3

Meet with our subject matter experts to go over the plan design and make any changes if necessary.

Step 2

Collect employee census to complete our fee free benefit package research and proposals.

Step 4

Implement custom benefit package, turn on employee wellness programs, and enhance your CSR!

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